Category: Clothing

Trying Before Buying – Still Essential

On a recent and still rare trip to the seaside, I was struck by the number of rather nice little boutiques along the sea front.  All selling a variety of nice looking jackets and sweaters for the blokes and dainty frocks and cardis for the ladies of the house.  In the first store, I thought […]

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Joyful Changing Room Challenge Gone Forever

One of the many changes to our retail shopping habits that has accidentally come about is the absence of changing rooms and the chance to try on clothes.   Those gorgeous new season creations we see displayed so carefully and prominently in the front of stores – we used to be able to select four […]

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Successful Online Clothing & Gifting Is A Talent

With no travel being legal for the majority of us, it’s getting jolly exciting to think we may be moving into a generally trouble free spate of holidays before too long.  I go every year to stay with a great pal on an island in the Med. . . .  it’s always hot and I […]

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Top Store Still Supplying The Luxurious

The variety of what you can buy online never ceases to amaze these days.  There used to be a rumour that a particularly fine store in Knightsbridge London could be relied upon to obtain absolutely anything anyone could ever want, including two indian elephants and a set of Emperor penguines.  For the seriously rich, usually […]

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Gifts To Remember Sites Visited

One of the best things we used to do prior to lockdown was go out for the day to historic houses and castles.  We’ve always been a family that enjoys exploring historic towns – our holidays wer always centred somewhere that offered a cathedral or at the very least, a lovely old church.  Then there’s […]

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Making the Bill Payer Comfy Expands The Sale

I’ve never been particularly keen on going round the shops for clothing.  It was always painful when we had social engagemnts ahead that required the most dreaded thing for me . . . . the wife’s new dress!  Oh my goodness that was always a nightmare and it still surprises me today that we managed […]

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Lockdown Changes Decimate Retail Sales

With so many changes to our clothing and gift purchasing habits these days, there is a definite shift away from meandering up and down the ‘high street’ as we are used to referring to it.  Gone, slowly but surely are those leisurely hours just wandering in to each clothing store, grabbing several items and queuing […]

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One Visit – Lots Of Shopping Activities

I was out with an old colleague recently – she lives abroad and ‘comes home’ once a year to catch  up with family stuff.  It makes a great holiday for her and me as we scoot around meeting up with all our former colleagues and old acquaintances.  We have a wonderful time shopping for clothing […]

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Declutter & Learn To Shop More Carefully

I have a large house, for one person, and as a consequence, I tend to fill it up with too many purchases throughout the year.  Have an empty double fitted wardrobe or cupboard . . . .  fill it with charity shop and other bargains.  But enough.  But lately I’ve been over whelmed by it […]

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Wheelchair Mayhem Makes Online Ordering A Breeze

This is most certainly a busy time of year for most of us.  I took out a rather ancient relative recently – she’s not mobile and struggles getting in and out of cars but we managed a sorti to a local garden centre that we know has very extensive stocks of festive cards, calenders etc. […]

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