On a recent jaunt to stay with relatives I was taken out to one of the strangest and fascinating antique, second hand, retro emporiums I have ever set eyes on. It’s set out in the middle of nowhwere in what used to be a very substantial staging post inn. From the outside it gives all […]
It can b e such a trial to try and get the absolutely perfect present for someone picky, year in year out. I find this more so with one particular person. She already has everything you can imagine, and now that she’s in a care home, there is even less need for the range of […]
One of the absolute joys for my sister is to come up and stay chez moi and go noseying around the many historic market towns this area offers. You just never know what inspiration can come from any shop or historic building’s gift shop. There is a tiny market town very near that is several […]
This time of year always catches me out. We no sooner get over the christmas and new year period, sighing thankfully as 02 January lands heavily at our feet. But instead of this calm continuing, I find myself haring about like a mad thing because I actually have two or three family birthdays and a […]
When you need to concentrate on getting exactly the right gift for a particular person, it can present so many anxieties – let’s face it, no one wants to be thought of as mean or embarrassingly over generous. Knowing the party you are buying for does help to a great extent but only if you […]
Retail therapy is a phrase you hear banded about all the time. Whenever I listen to consumer programmes designed to protect us all from the scammers, wise guys and othe criminals, there are articles on folk who have run into massive debt and have problems sorting it. All because it is very easy to get […]
Oh the many happy hours I have spent out and about in various towns looking at the boutiques and smaller clothing outlets. I love trying on clothes – it must be said that I would be buying so many more if the purse strings were just that bit more relaced! However, there is a way […]
We often find ourselves struggling these days to find the perfect present for little girls, as there is really so much choice out there! Girls in the modern age are not always interested in playing with dolls or playing dress up, and many more girls are becoming interested in traditionally “boy” type activities such as […]
Online shopping is one of the largest industries in the UK. Many people choose to buy all their goods and services through online means! There are a great number of benefits for shopping online. Firstly, the ease of finding almost anything you could possibly want! Most shops on the highstreet or in shopping centers only […]
Once you have found your perfect item online, it is time to have it posted to your home! There are lots of different options when it comes to delivery, so it is important you choose the right one for you. Some sites have subscription based delivery, such as Amazon Prime. This allows users to pay […]